{art blog}
Thursday, April 28, 2011 @ K I'LL JUST UPDATE WITH WIPS

ohoh small post

figuring out a pixeling style so I can make proper dA icons *V*


Wednesday, April 27, 2011 @ wip

//leaves another never to be finished wip well this is a maybe


Thursday, April 21, 2011 @ /he/ TODAY IS THE DAY

finishing up his app while working on some commissions. IS IT JUST ME OR IS DRAWING FRONTAL REALLY HARD.

and lol I should stop leaving these two lines descriptions and stuff. )8

So I'm going to ramble a bit.

Kuroi dyes his hair. And wears blue contacts cause he's near sighted. He finds that wearing glasses gets in the way a lot, and it also makes him look like a geek (Which he is mind you LOL) a lot. His eyesight is bad enough that he does need glasses though so he ends up wearing contacts on missions and when going out. The only time you'll see him with glasses on or without contacts is in his room. Or maybe the lounge if he trusts people not to mess the glasses up. His original hair colour is black and he has brown eyes. //asiann

he prefers information gathering to fighting. He looks like a relatively ordinary guy, so he easily blends into crowds. He can fight though, and he regularly maintains and mods his gun so that he can use it easily, cause he's not a perfect shot.

ahh long enough? : D

lol and a life update

Midterms just ended last week, so all the projects and tests are over. For now at least. I hope the teachers give us a bit of a break lol
I just had a history unit test today too. )8 I can't remember anything about the 1930s and 1920s in Canada OTL;;

and whenever I think of postWW1!Canada I imagine this teenage boy going through puberty and stuff. Then he sprouts again after WW2 and becomes a young adult, which is what he is now~ *V* I imagine US went through his teenage years between the American Revolution and WW1. and the young adult and growing after that. Also, America hates getting into wars if he doesn't need to cause it ends up messing up his economy and stuff. However when it comes to fighting for oil or other resources, he'll jump in gladly to help his people.

And my spiritual life.. it's like I've been depending on Him so much lately. earlier this year, I had a glimpse of what it was like to be alone, without Him. It was frightning. That feeling of having no one to cry out to, being completely alone in the darkness. It suddenly felt like I lost all purpose in my life. I had spent all my time on myself and completely forgot how much I depended on Him. I've been a Christian since I was about 6, and I grew up in a completely Christian enviroment, (I went to a Christian private school as well lol) so I've never actually been away from Him, never truely been a non-Christian.

And then I watched 1040.

There was this story in there about a group of Christian doctors and nurses that traveled to Afganistan for missions. While they were on the bus there, they were suddenly stopped by the Taliban. In order for his group members to be freed, the pastor volunteered to be killed. Volunteered. That was the extent of his love and devotion to his fellow brother and sisters.

That's.. really amazing imo




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Saturday, April 16, 2011 @ kuroi wry so asdf
normal kuroi is hard to draw.

that is what I learned while doing this.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011 @ cosplaay

this is the sane part
i'll colour later


Monday, April 11, 2011 @ fems

cause drawing is much more productive than homework

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Sunday, April 10, 2011 @ hetalia

Russia and USA
haven't drawn hetalia in so longgg
it's kinda refreshing. Also I think I have a fetish for this lighting. It's really really fun to colour LOL

so. I spent the last couple weeks researching the United Nations. A couple things I learned
- America and Russia are the most powerful countries in the world
- they don't get along <- nothing at the UN gets accomplished b/c of these two
- only time UN did something significant was when Russia was boycotting UN because China wasn't in there and US took over (which was during the Korean War)
- canadians were involved in every single peacekeeping mission since the creation of the UN in 1945


I think I'll go finish my history comic now










Tuesday, April 5, 2011 @ this isn't working.

i really need a break from everything right now.

I'm feeling like there's no point in doing everything that I normally do, and that I'm wasting so much of my life in front of the computer.

I need to find myself again, figure out why I'm drawing, and start to find God again. I've drifted so far from him lately and now I feel like I'm drowning without someone holding on to me.

This might be that I'm PMSing and being annoying but doing the same things every single day won't make me feel better. I also need to focus on my homework.

okay. I don't think this is enough to justify why I'll be disappearing from deviantART for a while, but it's all I'll say for now. I'll disappear into the shadows noww *melts*

I'll keep this place updated though! <3

thanks for reading ; v ;


Sunday, April 3, 2011 @ kjblkj',

k i'll just leave these here

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about me

This is where I post my doodles/sketches/wips and occassional rants. Enjoy your visit~ ♥

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.fourth!Romance is the designer.
Inspiration from Exuvalia and mintypeach.