{art blog}
Friday, December 31, 2010 @ dlkajdlfkj
ahh I got it edited. ;__; I'll keep it like this for a while.

Here have this picture while I go do my homework. lkjlkjafsdljasdfl 3 DAYS LEFT OF WINTER BREAKKK QAAQ


Tuesday, December 28, 2010 @ è_é
Okay. Just majorly pissed at blogspot right now. I can't change my template at all. eAe Something about security_token not processing. If you can help or have ideas can you comment? ewe

OH AND IT WON'T LET ME PUT MY CBOX UP EITHER WHUT srsly debating whether or not to switch to tumblr now


Monday, December 27, 2010 @ vdex sketch dump

from the art shop that me and my friends have on vdex. you can see how I slowly improve..


Saturday, December 25, 2010 @ MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS

♥♥♥ Thanks for 2010~ \o/


Tuesday, December 21, 2010 @ art summaries

I think I'm getting better. Slowly, slowly . u_u ON TO NEXT YEAR *A* 9 and exams anasdflkasjdflkjasdf

Monday, December 20, 2010 @ winter breakk

The dark blue is the snow ahh and May's arm is like BLAH WHY ARE YOU THERE

ahh, I wish I could draw more ;___; I feel so unmotivated right now even though I have lots of stuff to do and draw //stares at growing pile of hmwk and art to finish
And I have to finish most of this by thurs cause my cousin and her husband are coming over. orz they're probably going to drag me out shoppiing and stuff

OH I SPENT TODAY READING MANGA. YEAH. MANGA. AND NOT JUST ANY MANGA. I WAS READING THE WORLD GOD ONLY KNOWS. YEAH. THAT HAREM ONE. OTL;;; idk- it' s really good though and the main character is so.. interesting. ewe I never thought applying video game concepts to real life would actually work. Makes me want to play otome games now LOL

...//stares at starry sky CD chisuru gave me

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Sunday, December 19, 2010 @ Shiro's not dead


Tuesday, December 7, 2010 @ waiting.
And still waiting. orz So much for my christmas present, it's not gonna come to me until Januaryy ;____; SOB.

Oh. and if you're wondering what I'm talking about : BROMANCE YEAH >u<

I've been really busy with stuff lately, so I haven't been able to draw at all. orz;; //kicks english At the very least I won't let myself do it until after thursday cause that's when my editorial is due. OTL and I'm not even done the rough copy. And I need a editorial cartoon that's hand drawn. urrgghhh //sends hate to english :CC

btw guys I'm gonna test out tumblr and see if I like it or not. Last time I went on there, Monica's tumblr thing confused me so much. OTL but then Reka's was surprisingly simple. Maybe I'll use it to stalk art then. *u*

This is my favourite music right now.

Professor Laytonn~ The games were so very fun. *v*

oh and i totally made a new dA account, have fun finding it ♥


about me

This is where I post my doodles/sketches/wips and occassional rants. Enjoy your visit~ ♥

tumblr | deviantART | TG

chisuru | beef jerky | xamy
pm4:00 | rofu

free counters

June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011

.fourth!Romance is the designer.
Inspiration from Exuvalia and mintypeach.