{art blog}
Sunday, September 26, 2010 @ wip
still working on this.


Saturday, September 25, 2010 @ DvA sketches

I wanted to try drawing Feris. I think I killed him. OTL;; And Shiori's a brunette now~


Thursday, September 23, 2010 @ black

kuroi and his computer/headphone screens during a mission.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010 @ title pg

fuu i finished the first three pages before the title i think it's okay.. right? START button goes where the BIG GIGANTIC SPACE is. at the bottom.


Sunday, September 19, 2010 @ Shiori
Ergh.. let's just get this over with. Prepare for some reading. @A@

Shiori was born a mafia boss' only daughter as Casey Laitano. Her mother died giving birth to her and such, was raised by her father. Growing up, she didn't spend much time with kids her age, preferring to follow her dad everywhere. She grew up quite spoiled and mature. Her father didn't like that she was a girl, but he accepted that since she was his only heir, she would inherit the family. And so, he taught her all the techniques she would need to become a boss. Including how to handle a gun.

The country Shiori lived in was magic-prohibited and the rule was strictly reinforced. Magicians lived in secret and if one was discovered, automatically killed. Magic users were outcasts, and were exiled from the country if not killed. The government strongly believed that magic was dangerous and would disrupt the fragile peace in the country. And so at the age of 10, when Shiori discovered her ability, she kept it secret. Whenever she had free time, she practiced in secret.

By the time she was 16, she had almost mastered her magic, was a master marksman, and extremely skilled in martial arts. Her father agreed as well, and on her 17th birthday, asked her to come to his office for a final mission to see if she was ready to join the family.

That day, when she got up, she felt ready for everything. Like she could stop everyone who wanted to hurt her family. She didn't see her dad anywhere, but that was normal. Shiori assumed that he was just at the office already preparing. By the time she slipped out into the streets, she was starting to worry. She had not seen a single person of her soon to be family since she had left the house. Normally there were always two or three that greeted her on the way to her father's.

The outside of headquarters was also strangely quiet when she got there. The moment she entered, she realized why. The smell of blood and death filled the air. Her father's men were lying dead in the hallway, most of them shot dead. Suddenly full of worry for her father, she ran to his office where she found the door open.

Crouching by the door, she grabbed her gun and slipped in to find her father to be held at gunpoint and 20-something men surrounding them.

"We know about your daughter."
That was all she heard before the people realized she was there. They immediately attacked her. Struggling against all the men, she realized that the leader was about to shoot her father. She froze, shocked.

"...no..!" echoed her mind, and there was a sudden electrical pulse throughout the room. With a shock, she realized it was coming from her. Time seemed to slow for a moment and she noticed the look on her father's face. He didn't seem surprised at all. He must have realized all along..

A sudden gunshot, and her father was dead. Shiori was frozen in her place, not wanting to acknowledge what just happened. The man who had shot her father dead had a sick grin on his face, and before she could react, he jumped out the window. She had an urge to jump after him but after seeing her father slumped onto the chair, she went to him.

His face was gentle in death, although the same mafia coldness was still there. She closed her eyes, resting her forehead against his. An eternity seemed to pass before she got up. Grabbing the small backpack she had brought with her for the mission, she left, knowing people would be after her after they knew of her ability to use magic. She changed her name to Shiori and ran away.

She found work in a small hotel and that's how she met Ruth.

Ruth had chosen to stay in the hotel she was working in for the night, and when Shiori ran into them, she took an instant liking to Beef Jerky. He was like one of her father's men. It wasn't until she noticed Ruth had used a spell to heat up her food before she realized that she was a magic user as well. When the two checked out the following morning, she decided to go with them.

Fwah I'm donee OTL;; Feris is.. somewhere. The two don't get along.


@ pg 1

this took me 10 minutes. :'D //dies


Wednesday, September 15, 2010 @ screenie
I don't wanna ink Paul and their hands. @A@


Sunday, September 12, 2010 @ post 2

..can't .. draw.. OTL and I'm gonna change Shiori's hair. =u= she looks too much like Selixa. Chibitalia and Holy Roman Empire.


@ shiori

I had to change her hair colour cause it clashed with red. >u>;; But yeah I'm gonna use her for D-A. An RP group that Candy's gonna make~ Still working on her clothes.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010 @ kuroi

I'm gonna get killed for replacing shiori with him.


@ bookmarks
for the grade 9 day today.


Sunday, September 5, 2010 @ sketch

ovo Same concept, different sketch~


Thursday, September 2, 2010 @ bg

background practice~ ovo I'll add the people soon.


@ post
A picture I wanna finish eventually~ ovo full of America and Canada goodness~

Part of some roulette meme that I probably won't finish. orz' You know how usually they're full of crack pairings? Mine is full of FrUK. I DON'T KNOW HOW THAT HAPPENED. that happens to me a lot. Random pairings usually turn into completely crack, or are really canon/popular. u_u;;

Ugh, school starts in a couple of days. @A@;; I've spent this summer doing nothing at all except for work. And I didn't even get to draw that much. actually i spent too much of it drawing



about me

This is where I post my doodles/sketches/wips and occassional rants. Enjoy your visit~ ♥

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.fourth!Romance is the designer.
Inspiration from Exuvalia and mintypeach.