{art blog}
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 @ OTL

No. I'll finish this later but it's not.. good for Ikariday.



I didn't get any sleep last night OTL

Scrap version pic for Ikarishipping day it was too small. Arghh, i need to think of something by tmr


Wednesday, June 23, 2010 @ A S I A N F O N T


Anyways, that was funny, my friend and I were talking on msn when her font changed into asian font. >w< I couldn't stop laughing lol. OTL;

YEAH. So I had my french exam today, with a runny nose and I kept getting dizzy and ... I HATE SCANTRONS THEY MAKE MY HEAD HURT OTL


Tuesday, June 22, 2010 @ Sellie

Quick post before I go study for french. It's Selixa in her random world of poles and platforms. I'll finish this tmr after my french exam. LOL I haven't studied yet; gonna fail.

Anyone heard of SPiCa? It's such a nice song. I can't stop listening to it. >u>

And the YT chorus is so addicting~!

Yeah so, the scanlators posted a new chapter of Pokespe today~! Platina fought Candice and I was surprised by her new Lopunny. It never showed how she caught it unlike Dia and Pearl caught Shieldon and Luxray respectively. (btw, Luxray and Pearl makes me go aww. >w<)

And the ending pic, I can't help but think the author liked drawing all three girls together.

Look at that. They're so.. heroine-like. XD



Ah, but I'm starting to like how the mangaka draws. Although I still miss Mato. :/


Saturday, June 12, 2010 @

sketch of Dawn i did today. Still worried about Shizu-chan and Yama. >_< Getting back into pokemon again.


Friday, June 11, 2010 @ DRRR 22
SHIZU-CHAN. NO. TTATT WHHYY Please don't be dead please don't. >_< I feel so sad right now. I don't want him to die. I really don't. -feels like crying-

Thursday, June 3, 2010 @ Tired
Ahaha.. I fell asleep talking to my friends on msn today. OTL;; I don't know how exactly that happens but yeahh.. :'D

And I feel so accomplished~! I figured out how to make charts on excel~! >'D

Such an amazing remix. :D

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 @

Switched to here from LJ. It's a bit more userfriendly here and I don't have to post up my pictures on PB everytime I wanna post. OTL

Lookie, it's RGBY. xD I might colour this later if I get in the mood.

(OTL;; Only decent thing I could draw today)


about me

This is where I post my doodles/sketches/wips and occassional rants. Enjoy your visit~ ♥

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.fourth!Romance is the designer.
Inspiration from Exuvalia and mintypeach.